Misdiagnosis is a Top Concern of Cardiac Patients
Using coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) with HeartFlow’s FFRCT Analysis to evaluate suspected coronary artery disease offers higher diagnostic accuracy, fewer unnecessary tests and higher confidence in identifying patients needing treatment.
Take Control of Your Health with New Technologies
In the last few years, we’ve seen an explosion in consumer health devices, from watches that monitor your heart rate to apps that track everything from sleep to blood pressure to calories. However, various misconceptions, anxieties and fears still keep patients from talking openly with their doctors, particularly when it comes to heart disease. Learn how technology can help not hinder the quality of healthcare you receive.
How Fear of Unnecessary Hospital Tests is Impacting the Patient-Provider Relationship
Patients are spending more and more on healthcare, but is it for the right tests and diagnostics? CMS reported that in 2017, individuals paid upwards of $10,000 on average on healthcare expenses alone, but not all were necessary. The fears surrounding high healthcare costs and unnecessary tests among Americans are a real concern. Find out what can be done in this short blog.
Firefighters More Likely to Die from Cardiac Arrest Than Any Other Cause: Hear Dennis’ Lifesaving Story
The American Heart Association recently reported that cardiovascular disease impacts nearly half of all American adults. What you might not know is that the risk is exponentially higher within the firefighter community. Read Dennis’ heartwarming story to learn how he discovered he had coronary artery disease and how his life was saved.
5 Ways to Prioritize Your Heart Health During Heart Month
71 percent of Americans don’t know that heart disease is the leading cause of death; meanwhile, prevalence of younger individuals with heart disease is rising. Do what you can to improve your chances of living a healthy life with these five tips.
Heart Disease: What Women Need to Know About Their #1 Cause of Death
Neither men nor women are safe from the perils of heart disease. Know the symptoms, ask the right questions and partner with your physician to better manage your heart health.
New Consumer Survey Discovers Many Misconceptions About Heart Health
More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic conditions, like heart disease and diabetes. Not surprisingly, 37 percent of Americans have avoided the doctor. Learn why and the risks of avoiding optimal care.
Introducing Matters of the Heart – Raising Awareness About Heart Health
February marks Heart Health Awareness Month, and to do our part, we developed this page to provide resources for patients to help them better understand the facts about heart disease and the risks of avoiding care.